" Bismillahi-r - Rahmani'r - Rahim "

Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Al Rashidun

Islamic-Universal Voice of Peace

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun Media

مرحبا - Herzlich Willkommen - Welcome !


The Spate and the Glorious Qur'an - The Cairo Declaration - 23. Rabiee Al Awal - 1424 H. - 24 May 2003

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Enlightened Islam - IslamPeace-IUT - Al Rashidun ATA'I - ASHA'A
The Rightly-Guided of the New Peaceful Order
Islamic-Universal Peace Movement and Transformation
Main Centers : Hamburg - Istanbul - Cairo - Granada - Samarkand

As salaamu aleiqum

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Peace with ALL Nations - Peace with Israel and Palestine !

Last Update: 21 May 2010 / 8 Jumadaa Al Thani 1431
Legal Disclaimer: Illustration and DEMO Site - no responsibility or automatic endorsement of externally linked web-sites .

القدس الشريف
Together in the service of Peace - با هم در خدمت صلح

Al Rashidun Media - Internet Publishing - Jerusalem - rashidun1@yahoo.com
All Rights reserved by IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A - 2000 - 2010
Main Centers: Hamburg - Istanbul - Granada - Al Quds Al Sharif - Samarkand
Important: The only authentic Shurafa 6 - Majlis approved web-sites are those established in Mukharram 1427 H. - Feb 2006. All previous sites have been deleted. Cached text dating back to Jan 2006 and earlier by search engines /browers are no longer applicable and irrelevant. Overlooked sites or inaccessable sites prior to this date are to be ignored and are obsolete.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Al Rashidun - Islamic-Universal Voice of Peace - Mukharram 1427 H. - Feb.2006